Ro Rox collabs with Sabina
How would you describe your style?
My style is definitely a strong mix of 80s metalhead and dark romance goth. One day I would wear band t shirts and leopard print leggings and next day you see me wearing sexy lace and belle sleeves.
What’s one item of clothing you couldn’t live without?
My custom leather jacket with band patches.
Your go-to outfit?
I would say band t-shirt, fishnets, black denim or leather shorts and cowboy boots.
Your fashion icon?
I don’t think I ever had anyone specific to get inspiration from. I always kinda had my own taste which I mix and match depending on how I feel that day.
Your favourite fashion trend right now?
I am so happy the wolf-cut is tending! I also have this weird relationship with concealed lips, which is back in trend too and I am digging it !
How will you be spending Valentine’s Day?
I never celebrated Valentine’s Day purely because for me it’s weird that you celebrate love on specific date. I wish people would celebrate “Valentine’s day” everyday :) so yes, no plans, just a normal day for me.
What is your ideal date?
I’ve been on numerous dates and I already experienced “kissing under the stars” , “midnight walk in London” , “beach picnics looking at the sea” and etc .. amazing date is all about the chemistry, attraction, bonding and letting loose. For me it is pointless to plan something. I love everything spontaneous. So perfect date - be bold and don’t plan much.
Which Ro Rox products would you choose for your Valentine’s Day outfit?
I am totally in love with the “hell bunny samara sun moon dress” I really feel that with that dress you can create either very innocent or very sophisticated look if needed.